Automotive Health Informatics:
Made Possible by HALCYON Post-Crash Intelligence.
Here’s to Your Beautiful Tomorrow.™
HALCYON Post-Crash Intelligence is the only software that puts critical health context about who was likely impacted by a crash into Mobile Medical Professionals’ hands as they are en route to the scene.
HALCYON Post-Crash Intelligence is patented and built on the MEDIVIEW BEACON Prehospital HIE infrastructure.
We look forward to a zero-crash world.
Until then, when lights flash and sirens sounds, don’t you want the Responders on-scene to know who you are — not just where you are and that the airbag deployed?
FedEx faces up to $3.5M monthly in crash-related claims and costs.
Comcast suffers 5000 crashes annually.
Uber faces the “one-in-a-million event 8x per day.”
Post-crash injuries and death result from treatment delays — including a lack of awareness of how many ambulances to dispatch, and errors made with the best intentions but absent clinical context about the people who were likely affected. Fleet operators risk extraordinarily liability when an employee’s vehicle crashes.
Thanks to a unique technical architecture, only HALCYON Post-Crash Intelligence can securely share vehicle occupants’ critical health context with Mobile Medical (Fire & EMS) Professionals — securely putting data in their hands before they reach the scene.
SOURCE: Champion et al. (2015). “Time and place of death from automobile crashes: Research endpoint implications (AAST 2015 Plenary Paper).” J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 81(3): 423.